Module 11: Social Media (Do’s and Don’ts, Social Media plays an impactful role the brand of You.)
- 68% of employers will attempt to locate employees and applicants on Facebook.
- There are 15 million brands and organizations on Facebook.
- 18,400,000 applicants found their job on Facebook.
- 10,200,000 applicants found their job on LinkedIn.
- 89% of recruiters have hired someone through LinkedIn.
- 8,000,000 applicants found their job on Twitter.
- 93% of recruiters are likely to look at a candidate’s social media profile
- 94% of recruiters use, or plan to use social media for recruiting. This number has increased steadily for the last 6 years.
Jobvite - Employers who used social media to hire found a 49% improvement in candidate quality over candidates sourced only through traditional recruiting channels.
Jobvite - Millennials are changing the recruiting industry. An Aberdeen study found that 73% of 18-34 year olds found their last job through a social network.
Aberdeen Group - Fully 30% of all Google searches, about 300 million per month, are employment related.
Unbridled Talent - 89% of all recruiters report having hired someone through LinkedIn. Facebook and Twitter trailed by a wide margin, reaching only 26% and 15% respectively.
Herd Wisdom - While 94% of recruiters use social media for their jobs, only 39% of all employers use social media for recruiting and hiring. This is up from 37% the year before.
CareerBuilder - LinkedIn users performed over 5.7 billion professionally-oriented searches on the network during 2012. The professional social platform has over 2.1 million different groups.
LinkedIn - 51% of workers who currently have a job are either actively seeking, or open to a new job. This means fully 71% of all workers in the U.S. are “on the job market” (meaning unemployed and looking, employed and looking, or employed and open).
Jobvite - 59% of recruiters rated candidates sourced from social networks as “highest quality.” But only 21% of candidates say they found their favorite or best job through a social network.
Jobvite - 35% of millennials are optimistic about the job market, compared with just 11% of boomers.
Jobvite - 94% of recruiters are active on LinkedIn, but only 36% of candidates are. Job seekers, by a wide margin, prefer Facebook, with 83% reporting they are active there, compared to just 65% of recruiters.
Jobvite - While only 27% of applicants expect to be able to apply to a job from their mobile device, 43% have used their mobile device to look for a job.
Jobvite - Over 80% of Fortune 500 companies in the U.S. use psychometric testing (personality and aptitude tests) to profile job applicants. But only 27% of all hiring managers nationwide use such evaluations.
Psychometric Success - Even though software continues to gain popularity and become less expensive for small to mid-size businesses, only 26% of employers use an applicant tracking system to manage their hiring process.
WebRecruit - Companies that have formal candidate relationship processes (such as through software), and that track all their applicant communications, are 40% more likely to be “best in class”.
Aberdeen Group